
There is no immediate installation step when using this library. As mentioned in the project’s README, the entire thing is header-only. However there are some steps to help make integration easier if needed.

To begin, you can obtain the source by doing a clone:

$ git clone --recursive

Creating A Single Header

The main repository has a file called which creates a single file for your convenience without having to copy the entire directory source.

Basic invocation is just

$ python

By default, it creates a file called jsonpp.hpp in the root directory. You can rename the file and location by passing the -o option like so:

$ python -o single.hpp

The single header contains no dependencies so it’s for maximal ease of including.

Building Documentation

Creating an offline back-up of the documentation is pretty simple. The only requirement to build the documentation is to have Sphinx version 1.2.3 or higher.

After obtaining Sphinx, just run the make command to whatever format you want:

$ cd docs
$ make html